WARNING!:This blog has been created only for educational purposes. All that appears here has been carefully chosen for the benefit of my students and a more complete learning of their English skills. Many post and their contents have been obtained from different websites and it’s possible that someone wants to claim their rights of ownership over images, songs or other. If, as the owner of any of those, you do not want to allow to appear on this blog, just contact me and it will be removed.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Carl and Ellie.: A love story

Hi guys, Next February 14th, we will celebrate St Valentine's Day. As you well know, it's a day to say I love you to all the people who are very close to us: parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, friends... But people in Spain, only celebrate romantic love (boyfriend and girlfriend). I've choosen this video about this kind of love because I think it's very tender. Don't you think that? I hope you like it. And one activity more for this St Valentine's: This is a very famous love song called "Will you still love me tomorrow?". Click and complete the gaps listening to the song. Happy Valentines's Day!!!!!

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